The Really Helpful Marketing Company
Founded in 2009 in Gloucestershire, The Really Helpful Marketing Company focuses on helping companies of all shapes and sizes, B2B and B2C, to get results, move ahead of their competitors and deliver a genuine return on their marketing investment.
We pride ourselves on being a straight-talking marketing agency with a simple ethos: to help clients deliver results-driven marketing strategy, branding, design and communications.
From becoming a business’ outsourced marketing department to supporting a client in developing a marketing strategy; from email campaigns and branding design to building websites and apps; from analysing and optimising the performance of marketing activities, to the day-to-day management of campaigns and content – The Really Helpful Marketing Company has the know-how and can-do attitude to simply get things done.
We offer a smart, flexible and practical approach that has proved effective for a compelling mix of businesses and charities, local and national.
“As a business, we’ve been pretty lucky compared to many others over the last 12 months or so, so we wanted to try and really help those in need by fundraising,” said managing director, Gareth Wood.
“As our ethos at the Really Helpful Marketing Company is to be ‘really helpful’, we wanted to support a local charity whose values were also based on helping people.”
"Caring for Communities and People was the obvious charity for us to support because of its commitment to improving the lives of those struggling with homelessness, family breakdown and exclusion. We knew that any funds we raised would go directly to helping those who needed it the most."
How did you come across CCP?
We have been aware of CCP for a number of years and have been following its growth and impact on the local community during this time. CCP is proactive in its approach to fundraising, and its projects and events have always been heavily promoted.
The size of our organisation has limited our capacity for significant charity support in the past but recent growth has meant we now have the resource to commit to charitable activity in a more meaningful way – something we have wanted to do for a long time. Our company is based in Gloucester and we have always been keen to support our local community. As CCP is almost on our doorstep, we are delighted to now be in a position to support the charity. CCP was the obvious choice for us.
Describe how you have supported CCP in 2020-21
Our involvement with CCP began early in 2021, but we hope that this is just the beginning of a partnership that will continue over the coming months and years. During this early period we have quickly established a relationship with the charity and have worked closely with the team to ensure our support is relevant and specific, and helps those who need it the most. Our primary charity fundraising event is in the summer of 2021 but we hope this is just the start of a long-term relationship with CCP.